972-771-3933 info@pryorandbruce.com

Employment Lititgation

On the defendant’s side of the docket, Pryor & Bruce is well versed in this complicated area of practice and routinely obtain summary dismissal of such claims against their clients. Pryor & Bruce obtained a summary judgment in favor of their client in a retaliation case brought by a former highly compensated executive seeking $11 million in back and front pay alone. Pryor & Bruce obtained a finding of no merit in a Sarbanes-Oxley claim against a Fortune 500 client.

On the plaintiff’s side of the docket, Pryor & Bruce represented a plaintiff in a sexual harassment case and obtained a plaintiff’s verdict in excess of the statutory caps, plus costs and attorneys’ fees. The jury also answered the jury questions supporting a punitive damage award. Before the matter proceeded to the punitive damage phase, the defendant paid the judgment, plus costs and attorneys’ fees

Let Us Solve Your Problems

302 N San Jacinto St.
Rockwall, TX 75087